Big Picture Vibe-Shift ⚡️
Friends see through you. One friend used to think I was deep and say clever things. Then he listened to the Naval Podcast (which I rate as the most valuable bit of content ever made by a human).
"Now I know where you get all your ideas from".
Another shot through me with a backhanded complimented—
I think I've been playing this curious med student persona in my professional personality. But I think it's time it died.
I used to open Zoom calls with a wet monologue about how grateful I was for them making the time to speak to me (sounded polite?).
Then I started opening with just: "Hey, how's it going?". I think this framing creates a seismic vibe-shift. Funnily enough, signalling that you consider them an equal — makes them an equal.
Then the next day, I did what I always do when I face a problem. I threw money at it.
I hired a photographer to get some nice professional photos of me. And fuck it, whilst I'm at it — I'm not a Junior Doctor* — I'm a Physician. Sounds more American. A bit more legit.
* (When's the last time your pilot told you that they only learned how to fly the A380 eight months ago? Who cares!).
Then I decided that I'm not a businessman, I'm a business, man. (Pre-revenue). So I need a team. So I hired the stupidly smart Jacob Robinson to help grow the podcast.
Essentially, my self-limiting belief was: "I'm a curious junior doctor who makes a podcast for fun". Partly because it's easy to just have hobbies. I can't criticise the jumper your granny knit for you. But put it on Etsy and I'll tell you it wasn't worth it and I want my £39.99 (+ delivery) back.
The Next Few Years
So what do I actually want out of this podcast?
Move away from 'here are interesting UK doctors' to 'here are international pioneers building in healthcare at scale'. (Speak to really smart people).
Form a network of builders in healthcare. Across clinical medicine, entrepreneurship, research, investment and policy.
Put out really A-tier interviews.
Make income that I can reinvest into it. (Although a Brabus G-Wagon would be nice, too).
A hobby is fun because you don't have to turn up when you don't feel like it. But at some point, it's time to grow up.
An Ask
I'm coming up to the 100th episode of the Big Picture Medicine Podcast and I want it to be really special. If you happen to know any of these people — I'd be hugely appreciative for a recommendation/intro 🙏
(Reviews on Apple are always appreciated too).
Podcast (Now on YouTube)
With warmest wishes,